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3200 Blue Sky Road 
Mesquite TX, 75181 


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2024-25 Middle School Hours

8:10 AM - 3:40 PM

Early Release 12:45 PM


Title 1 Information

About Woolley Middle School

Woolley Middle School opened in the fall of 2020 as Mesquite’s tenth middle school and the newest campus to be built under the 2018 bond initiative. The campus is named after Dr. Don P. Woolley, who served Mesquite ISD for 36 years before retiring in 1994. 

Our campus is currently home to 870 students, and we have 78 educators on staff. 

At Woolley Middle School, our students are courageous leaders who make positive choices. They build connections every day with their teachers and peers. They never give up and they are tenacious.

We are Woolley Wolves, and we have #packpride!

Our Feeder Pattern

Woolley Middle school  feeds into John Horn High School.

Woolley Administration

Kristy Morse

Kristy Morse

Principal - Middle School
Janna Griffiths

Janna Griffiths

Assistant Principal- Middle School
Jose Peterson Torres

Jose Peterson Torres

Assistant Principal- Middle School
Britney Taylor

Britney Taylor

Assistant Principal- Middle School

2024-25 Woolley Middle School 6th Grade Bell Schedule 

Class Period Class Start Class End
1st  8:10 AM 8:58 AM
2nd 9:01 AM  9:49 AM
3rd  9:52 AM 10:40 AM
4th 10:43 AM 12:15 PM
5th  12:18 PM 1:07 PM
6th 1:10 PM 1:58 PM
7th  2:01 PM 2:49 PM
8th 2:52 PM 3:40 PM

2024-25 Woolley Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Bell Schedule 

Class Period Class Start Class End
1st  8:10 AM 8:58 AM
2nd 9:01 AM  9:49 AM
3rd  9:52 AM 10:40 AM
4th 10:43 AM 11:31 AM
5th  11:34 AM 1:07 PM
6th 1:10 PM 1:58 PM
7th  2:01 PM 2:49 PM
8th 2:52 PM 3:40 PM

Our Namesake

Dr. Don P. Woolley was hired as a teacher in Mesquite ISD for the 1958-59 school year. He was then called to service in the U.S. Army from 1961 to 1962 and returned to teach and coach when his military duty ended.

Woolley led Mesquite High School as principal from 1968 to 1977 before being named the assistant superintendent of personnel. He continued in that role until 1993, when he transitioned into the position of assistant superintendent of facilities. He stayed in that position for one year and retired in 1994 after 36 years of service to Mesquite ISD.

Naming Ceremony